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Super Mario Bros. Movie review:

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Someone. Please. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Redub this with Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship.

I don't remember the original Tiny Toons Adventures being so Acme-Loo centered. At least not after the first season or two. Still, looking forward to this. :)


Ingredients for those who'd like to try it. It's a very different flavor and might be an acquired taste, but I love it, personally:

12 cups Watermelon cubed
24-30 Mint leaves
6 tablespoons Lemon juice
1.5 tablespoon Sugar/Sucralose (optional, if the watermelon isn't sweet enough)
1.5 teaspoon Roasted cumin powder
3 teaspoon Himalayan salt
0.38 teaspoon Black pepper

Run through a blender until smooth.

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The Indian Spiced Watermelon Mint Smoothie makes its first appearance for this year. :9

Since the Enterprise-D Cat is out of the Spacedock Bag, and all the production crew are showing off pics of them on the bridge, here's the story of my own visit to the Enterprise Bridge. Although it wasn't the one you all saw on screen.

So, back in 2008, when I was moving to Seattle a friend and I took a side trip to the Star Trek Experience. Coincidentally the same time as the Las Vegas Sci Fi Convention so it wasn't just packed, it was packed with events. So we showed up, did both the experiences, and made reservations for tickets for the "Captain's Chair" photo op late that day.

So, towards the end of the day, we show up at our appointment time, and sit at the bench and wait. And wait. AND WAIT. After about a half hour, a hostess pops up and asks us why we're there. We show her the tickets for the Captain's Chair photo op, and out comes a walkie talkie and some stern words (I got the idea they weren't supposed to do a photo op at the time we got them, but we were already there). She puts it away, and in a customer service switch flip like I've never seen, she puts on her best hostess smile and escorts us to the Bridge. Fiancee sits in the Captain's chair, I'm standing behind at tactical and we get an amazing picture of us both ON THE FREAKIN' BRIDGE OF THE ENTERPRISE D.

Out comes the walkie talkie and they mention we're about to leave the bridge, but there's a bit more stern talking and everything. And we get told "So, the Borg Experience tour is running right now, and we can't let you out until they pass, so feel free to look around for the next ten minutes." We weren't allowed to take pics, but TEN MINUTES ON THE FREAKIN' BRIDGE OF THE ENTERPRISE D.

After about ten minutes they begin walking us through the backstage cooridoors to the lobby, and there's another walkie talkie squawk that the Borg tour is running late and we were about to cross at the same time as the Borg tour was crossing. So the hostess piled us into a closed Borg Alcove for about 2 minutes, while we waited for that tour to pass.

I'm not a fan of pics of myself, and while I have the pic of me on the bridge, that's not getting shared around. But I do have pics from the trip to the Star Trek experience:

Tonight's Dr. Who was "School Reunion."

I don't want to say they wasted Anthony Stewart Head for this episode. They didn't. He's ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. But as an alien headmaster? This guy just oozed The Master. I know that when the previews of this episode came out, I was thinking OH, WE'RE GETTING THE MASTER. And we kind of got him. Cause he really had that "refined evil" thing down. Just as an alien headmaster, and not The Master.

Not a fan of the cattiness between Sarah Jane and Rose, especially with Sarah Jane kinda starting it, but the denoument of Sarah Jane willing to help Rose when "her time comes" was really lovely.

Had a dream last night that a rural town way out in the boonies had opened a vending-machine only/honor system store, which was great. But at one point I pressed a button which began cooking fried chicken and I'd left my wallet in the car.

When I walked out, I noticed signs everywhere for "no parking" and my car had been towed. And then the police arrested me for theft since I never paid for the fried chicken. Then they ate the fried chicken.

Hell of a way to do business, little town police department. Impound money, a mark on the arrest quota AND a free lunch.

Had a dream last night that a rural town way out in the boonies had opened a vending-machine only/honor system store, which was great. But at one point I pressed a button which began cooking fried chicken and I'd left my wallet in the car.

When I walked out, I noticed signs everywhere for "no parking" and my car had been towed. And then the police arrested me for theft since I never paid for the fried chicken. Then they are the fried chicken.

Hell of a way to do business, little town police department. Impound money, a mark on the arrest quota AND a free lunch.

"What's the matter, fearless leader? You and Starscream look real geeky."

WE HAVE STRUAN BREAD! Yeah, it collapsed, but at the same time, the bread is very very good.

Despite it collapsing, It's not dense and is nicely moist and perfectly chewy. I'm thinking what collapsed the bread was either overworking the dough (the recipe calls for FIVE risings) or the stove being too hot (it's supposed to bake at 350, but even with my oven set to 325, it ended up at 375 and was ready far faster than it should have.

But it's GOOD regardless.

Also, these two loaves are about a month of bread for me, so I'm giving a loaf to the girls. I just didn't want to cut the recipe in half in case that's what killed it last time.

StruanWatch 2K23 - the tops collapsed, but the spongy look from the bottom is promising. Now we wait....

StruanWatch 2K23 - the instructions at this point day to fridge the dough, which is what I think went wrong last time, so I'm going straight to the bench proof....

Hey so since Redbubble is essentially cutting artist shares in half starting May I'm gonna pull all my designs off the site end of April. If you want one of these extremely cursed trans catgirl (sheep, fox, and not furry girl versions also exist) shirts grab one now because while I do want to rehome them I'm not sure I'll have time to do it in the near future.


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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.