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RT @ErinInTheMorn
Representative Zooey Zephyr spoke on CBS Primetime with John Dickerson on how her voice was silenced on anti-trans bills.

“When minorities speak to the harm these bills cause, those folks in power do not want to be held accountable.”

i really am exhausted by all the companies that are profitable as fuck laying off workers and then doing stock buybacks or ridiculous exec bonuses. apparently things are going great, it’s just not something that people who have to work for a living get to benefit from

Anders Celsius, who conceived a centigrade temperature scale where water froze at 100° and boiled at 0°, passed away #OTD, April 25, in 1744.

That's 32 + 25*9/5 = 77... July 10 in Fahrenheit.

(His colleague Carl Linnaeus flipped the scale a few years later, so that 0° was freezing and 100° was boiling.)

“A society which cannot tolerate genderbending or cross- dressing ultimately will not tolerate homosexuality, bisexuality, or any other deviance from sexual or gender norms, no matter how closeted or assimilated.”

- Dagger: On Butch Women, 1994 by #LilyBurana & #RoxxieLinneaDue

#Butch #Lesbian #Queer #Gay #GayHistory

I must confess, I haven't played a game that required rolling physical dice in years. But these dice with tiny foxes in them from were irresistible.

look at them


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is the target of a bar association complaint over his role in undermining the 2020 election results. A group of lawyers says Cruz played an outsized role in the efforts to void the 2020 election results and accuses him of repeatedly making false claims about voter fraud.
This should be just the beginning of the accountability facing members of Congress who aided the failed coup and Jan. 6th insurrection.
#politics #USpol #texas

The Brooklyn Public Library has announced that any teenager in America is now eligible for a Brooklyn Public Library card.
Teens can sign out ebooks + audiobooks from wherever they
The move is designed to combat censorship, with some titles listed as "always available."
#library #gop #censorship

The late Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier were friends for more than 70 years. They met at The American Negro Theatre when both were 20 — Poitier was a janitor and Belafonte was a stagehand. Belafonte went on to be the first Black Emmy Award winner, while Poitier became the first Black man to win a Best Actor Oscar. Here's a look back at this deep and enduring friendship.

#HarryBelafonte #SidneyPoitier #BlackHistory

Joe Biden: "Let's finish the job."

Jenn: "I'm still waiting on you to start it."

Full disclosure: Yes, I voted for him. Didn't want to, but I did it. The alternative was for this country to go down a dark fascist path, one we're seeing play out on the state level. I'll vote for him again, even if I don't want to, becuase the alternative will by the erasure of the trans population at the federal level....


...same as all the old Magical Drop games, but now in HD. ❤️

For the first time TO Nintendo instead of FROM Nintendo: "Chump don't want the help, chump don't get the help."

Guildhall Studios' Sea of Legends is available again! And I worked on it! Go read some of Jenn's first paid writing content, and, you know, get a good game while you're at it!

Gonna try the struan bread AGAIN. But this time really closely monitor the oven. I don't think the yeast was overworked, but the oven cooked the bread too quickly causing the collapse.

Plus that bread was REALLY REALLY good, and wouldn't mind another two weeks of that. :D

I was fired from the Texas Department of Transportation in 2002 over shit like this. You'd think in twenty years there'd be some headway. But no. Just more back sliding.

I guess I have to repeat this so I don't get @ with "Don't be naive, Canada has problems too, you know:" I'm well aware, but still glad we got permanent residence in BC. No place is perfect, but I feel safer there. So far, no insurrection, no daily mass shootings, and, well, the chart below.

I prefer it to the accelerating fascism here, at least for now. And with that👇

H/t: Ian Bremmer:

% of canadians that follow q-anon theories: 3

#Canada 🇨🇦

Now we wait for the inevitable Video Game Tie In for the Super Mario Bros. Movie by a third party with maybe three games under their belt who didn't quite understand the movie and translated it badly to the Playstation 5.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.