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Sometimes I worry that I'm losing some of my brain-meat-thinks.

The last few days, my brain has decided that "localhost" which I use for my Plex media server is now "internalhost." I know it's not internalhost, it's LOCALhost. But now my brain and fingers type out "internalhost" most everytime I try to write "localhost."

Watched some TV with a friend today, and the audio on my old headphones cut out pretty badly. So I connected my bluetooth headphones, and forgot that the bluetooth on this PC is horrid (seriously, you put the bluetooth on the BACK of the PC, knowing full well the PC itself is blocking the signal?!).

Between this and the stylus dying, I kinda had enough, and decided to do some serious rejiggering of the PC stations.

First off, waste not want not, I took the pen display and just made it a secondary monitor. I can run movies on it while working on stuff here. For the bluetooth, I took the USB extender and an old Bluetooth dongle, and plugged it into the PC, disabling the onboard Bluetooth.

Everything seems to be working now, and now I can crowd the hell out of TWO screens.

Bluetooth works now, and a new pen display is coming. We'll see how that is coming. I'm not happy about having to drop a lot of money on it, but a friend helped finance it, so I'm grateful. :)

My room is a wreck, though....

This whole "sliding my sleep schedule" back is just completely messing with my already messed up sense of time.

@socketwench - I fixed my Bluetooth problem by just disabling the onboard Bluetooth and grabbing the Bluetooth dongle from the front room and plugging it in. Works GREAT now. :D

So for the last few days, I've been going to bed an hour earlier each day so I can wake up at 7:30 on Saturday for a training event.

My body is NOT happy with this.

UPDATE: So literally an hour later, the stylus completely died on me. We're currently down for the count until I get a new stylus (doubtful) or a new tablet (expensive).


Hey, y'all. The stylus for my Yiynova tablet is getting more and more wonky, and while I hate hate HATE to get rid of a good tablet, there are no compatible styluses for this model AND the company has gone out of business.

Anyone know a good mid-range drawing tablet? I don't have a lot of money to spend, but can throw down some money for a decent tablet, and even save up a bit if necessarty (the stylus is wonky, but not dead). Preferably one with good Linux support.

Let me know....

So, a couple of things I'm noticing as I rip more and more of my DVD collection to a media server...

There's something going on with newer DVDs. My Babylon 5 discs died REAL quick, but that appears to be an issue with the place that produced the discs.

But other discs, mostly those made in the last five or so years, are just dead after one viewing. My copies of Dune, The Greatest American Hero, and even that Tron disc? All have disc read errors. Completely clean surfaces, not a scratch on them.

But discs from the early 2000s? And earlier? Scratched up to hell and back. But still work fine. And even if they don't, I have a drive from that same era that usually can pull the data off without errors. Something's changed in how discs are manufactured.

Also something I noticed? Old DVD player games. A lot of my Early 2000s discs had games you could play on the disc player and your remote. Adorable.

Quick question.

I have two versions of Tron. One was the Bare Bones DVD release. The other was remastered. The Remastered looks better...but they also cropped out a boom mike, which I've always loved to see. The Bare Bones, though, has the boom mike left in.

Which should I keep?

$10,000 of Tremfya is now in my upper thigh. Hopefully this won't be an issue moving forward....

One of the few Monkees dance numbers, and one of my faves.

Sadly, the movie flips between black on white footage, to white on black footage and flashes pretty quickly between the two. Sometimes it's in synch, sometimes it's not, but it takes away from the number.

Looks like the original footage is out there, and now you can see it without the flipping between the shots. Also, you can finally see Toni Basil, who choerographed this sequence, clearly!

It was never about "protecting children." Banning gender-affirming care for all ages was always the endgame for these people. It was always a lie when they said it was just about children.

And I encountered this shrine, which is among the best things I've ever seen.

Picard management tip: Your orders do not dictate your ideals. Your ideals determine how you interpret your orders.

The Nitter project, a privacy-oriented X/Twitter front-end, has been discontinued by its owner. The decision is linked to X/Twitter's move to disable the creation of guest accounts, on which Nitter was heavily relying.

Today we’re shining a spotlight on Nico Kiyori, a dynamic DJ whose passion for music transcends boundaries, both in the virtual world of Second Life and the physical world. 🎶

Read Nico's interview ➡️

#SecondLife #SecondLifeSpotlight #LindenLab #metaverse #NicoKiyori

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.