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Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.”

- Kurt Vonnegut

trans girls will literally be like "hehe im dumb brain empy kitty" while working on some arcane computermancy that i probably shouldn't understand for my own sanity

One day they will make a Street Fighter game I can't play on a Super Nintendo controller, and on that day I will be in real trouble.

Also, pleasantly surprised to see SF6 runs perfectly on my machine at highest quality.

Capcom's got a pretty good Humble Bundle going if you want pretty much anything they've ever produced:

This Week's Meals: Hynka's Kielbasa Casserole

I don't know who Hynka was, but she makes a says this is a casserole, but it's really a hot potato salad. I don't like cold potato salad, and hot potato salad is just mashed potatoes to me, so this works really well.

Something that really changes the flavor is the rye-caraway breading. Every so often, you bite into a caraway seed and a little bit of that savoury-bitter taste comes through. Makes for a nice little surprise when you hit it.

Again, I would suggest slicing the sausage way thinner than 1 inch thick, and HIGHLY suggest seasoning this to taste cause it needs it.

# Hynka's Kielbasa Casserole

The Pennsylvania State Grange Cookbook
6.0 servings

1.2 pounds green beans
4.0 whole potatoes (cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes)
1.0 whole onion (chopped)
2.0 slices rye-caraway seed bread (cubed)
1.0 pound kielbasa (slices 1 inch think)
120.0 g ketchup

1 - Cook beans in water in saucepan until partially done. Set aside.
2 - Boil potatoes in water until partially done; set aside.
3 - Sauté onions in large non-stick skillet until tender.
4 - Add bread, kielbasa, beans, potatoes, and enough catsup to lightly coat vegetables.
5 - Cook until vegetables are tender, stirring frequently.

6 servings at ~37.5g carbs each
Yields 4 servings normally.

Calories 405
Total Fat 19g
Total Carbohydrate 40g
Protein 14g

They say a picture beats a thousand words. Don’t let your professed desire to be an ally be the empty kind. Trans people have people in real power, people with big platforms, and people with malicious intent ranged against us for various kinds of personal gain. You can’t fight that off without breaking sweat. Don’t be a well-meaning bystander.

My mostly-usual dinner. Again, usually it's JUST a fruit (or a salad) and and a protien. I had a few calories left over for the day, so I treated myself to some conversation hearts

Fat: 17.22g
Carbs: 48.95g
Protien: 32.36g
Calories: 475

*open-mic night at a transformers comedy club*

Well I just transformed into a car for the first time and boy are my arms tires.

Fun fact: There's a rock called taconite and a mineral called cummingtonite

China: figures out a process to farm Caviar thus saving wild sturgeon from extinction and make a delicacy widely affordable to the masses

American Press:

My mostly-usual lunch. Usually it's JUST a fruit (or a salad) and and a protien. However, after I plan out the day's meals, if I have some calories left over, I'll add a treat here and there. This (along with cheat weekends) keeps me from going insane on a 1600 calorie/150g-a-day carb diet.

Fat: 20.02g
Carbs: 40g
Protien: 17.41g
Calories: 412

So, I've been in Second Life for 17 some years, and have enjoyed being my true self for some time. Recently, though, an old friend from SL who dissapeared got back in touch with me, and sent me over to another virtual world, Resonite, to check it out.

It's impressive! Way more complex than Second Life, but also somewhat isolated. There's not the kind of "grid" you'd get in SL, where one region links to the next, links to the next. It's all individual worlds. It's hard to be social, when you're isolated.

But if you find a spot, though, it's like Second Life of Old. Khyle sent me over to the Creator's Jam, and oh, my goodness, it was like 2007, all over again. A ton of people, all working on stuff, and the moment they knew you were knew, they walked you through EVERYTHING. I've gone from "how the heck do I look around?" to "complex linkages between components and prims" in about three days.

Would I leave SL for Resonite? Not really. I love SL and that's my home. But for a "spa day at a resort?" Sure, I'll pop on every so often. Especially once I find an avatar that is more "Jenn" and less "Dollar Store Princess Zelda."

Also, I'm apparently the only human in an entire world of furries...although there is one centaur out there....

This Week's Bread: Peanut Butter Biscuit Twists

I joke a lot about how that during my five years in Pennsylvania, I ate some pretty bland food ALL the time, and that ketchup was as exotic as most folks got. It's an exaggeration, of course. But not by much.

But one thing they excelled at? Desserts and sweets. Especially baked ones. So taking a page from the FIVE HUNDRED PAGE Pennsylvania Grange Cookbook, I came across these PEanut Butter Buscuit Twists and decided to try them out.

I was a little suspicious about making a sugar glaze and just dunking the biscuits in it, but in the end, what you end up with is a nice "top" glazed salty-and-sweet biscuit.

I would totally make these again. And in fact, encourage you to try it. It's quick and tasty.

Suggestions: Use creamy peanut butter. I used chunky because it's what I had and as the biscuit rises, it pushes all the chunks out. Also, the 90g measurement for peanut butter is just for my nutritional info. Put as much as you like in there. :)

# Peanut Butter Biscuit Twists

The Pennsylvania State Grange Cookbook
10.0 servings

0.5 cup brown sugar (packed)
3.0 tbsp water
1.0 tbsp butter
0.25 tsp cinnamon
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
10.0 count buttermilk biscuits (canned dough)
90.0 grams peanut butter

1 - Combine brown sugar, water, butter, cinnamon and vanilla in a saucepan.
2 - Cook over medium heat until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally.
3 - Pour into ungreased 8x8 inch baking pan.
4 - Separate biscuits and flatten into three inch oblongs.
5 - Spread with peanut butter.
6 - Twist each biscuit three or four times.
7 - Place in prepared pan.
8 - Bake at 400F for 15 to 20 minutes or until browned.
9 - Cool for 3 minutes.
10 - Remove to serving plate.

10 servings
Calories 254
Total Fat 5g
Total Carbohydrate 41g
Protein 6g

Given the number of times I've seen it on my feed, I'm guessing the Deadpool/Wolverine movie is pretty darned anticipated. :)

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.