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Really feeling down due to the injection cancellation. Kinda done nothing today. To be fair, I planed to do nothing today, but this is not a necessary nothing. Just a funk nothing.

Insurance companies saying "you know, let's wait on this a bit" when your doctor is saying "you need this ASAP to prevent nerve damage" pisses me off.

Just put the video on OnlyFans already and give me a share of the money. We can both profit from this, dude.

Please boost for sample size. Alright, same question, but this time for the whole fediverse. How many new members do we have? I became part of the fediverse in: #Poll #Polls #Fediverse

My spinal injection was cancelled at the last minute (it was supposed to happen in two hours) because my insurance never got back to the hospital about coverage.

Now I have to push out the injection another month, worry about possible continuing nerve damage in the mean time AND ended up putting out a friend who was going to drive me there so I could be sedated.

I really REALLY hate the American healthcare system so so so much.

My spinal injection was cancelled at the last minute (it was supposed to happen in two hours) because my insurance never got back to the hospital about coverage.

Now I have to push out the injection another month, worry about possible continuing nerve damage in the mean time AND ended up putting out a friend who was going to drive me there so I could be sedated.

I really REALLY hate the American healthcare system so so so much.

@eniko we were looking forward to COVID being over so we could do our part to import the Asian tradition of wearing a mask when you know you're sick, so you don't get your friends sick

but of course now it looks like COVID is going to be the rest of our lives, so we just wear a mask all the damn time regardless. like. yeah.

tell me this doesn't sound like I'm just about to die

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... go fuck yourself, I'm never trusting you again, jerk." - @Yuriel


“When drivers fail to yield for pedestrians, it’s not because they can’t see them, it’s because they don’t care.” Kudos to @VisionZeroYVR for this brilliant intervention. #TheWarOnCars

Happy April Fool's Day, reposting this old classic is all I got, hope you have a good one and nobody does something shitty as a "joke"

Until recently I thought that song was saying "I wish that I _was_ Jesse's girl"

I was in school before most schools had a free breakfast program. This meant most mornings I did not eat breakfast. By mid morning, it was hard to concentrate. I'd be watching the clock until lunch, which I got for free due to financial hardship. This was alleviated when I went to a school with free breakfast, for which I qualified. I still had ADHD struggles, but at least I wasn't watching the clock anymore, waiting for lunch. There was a brief time where I didn't qualify for free lunch. Lunch looked like a peanut butter sandwich, often without jelly, or buttered bread, and sometimes just a carrot. Subsidized school meals was a lifeline for me. Now some people want to grow the program, so that kids don't fall through the gap like I did, and others want to take it away completely. Children can't learn when they're hungry. And sometimes, those school meals are the only decent meals they have. Summers can be rough.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.