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The poutine was sick and so was the coffee

Not unsympathetic to the plight of a human trapped in a small capsule at the bottom of the ocean — that’s some serious nightmare fuel right there — but why can we not muster this level of wall-to-wall coverage for trans people being forced from their homes due to do bigoted healthcare restrictions, or migrants dying in the desert looking for better lives, or the inaction of the US government on rampant gun violence.

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Like, it's not that I don't appreciate what Democrats have done for trans people, particularly at the state level, it's just that it's been very little and far out of proportion to what we actually need.

"We're not Nazis" is nice but it simply doesn't go as far as people seem to think it should.

While big tech tries to force employees back to the office, smaller tech companies are using remote work as a competitive advantage to hire and retain talent. 81% of firms <5,000 employees allow remote work or have a remote work option.

""If you require someone to move to a certain location, you are inherently limiting the talent pool that you’re going to be working with." @zuhayeer

I didn't spend two hours grousing about how I couldn't get DOSBox-X's sound to work only to find out I had the volume control for it set to 0. No, not me. Linux user for decades. I'm smarter'n'that.

Thanks to a friend, I'm now on Blue Sky! Please enjoy much of the same content over there. :)

So, I've decided, the Burger Kink Texas Double Whopper is the closest thing to a whataburger I've had out here, and is pretty damned tasty to boot.

Yes, I know I wrote Burger Kink. It's a typo, but I'm leaving it in for your imaginations.

I have an MRI in the afternoon for the pinched nerve. I've had an MRI before so I know I'm gonna be good for it, but it won't be a lot of fun (they locked my head into a cage for that last one!).

So if you wouldn't mind, spare a thought for me come about 2:30PM Pacific Time? I'd appreciate it.

Last Boost: I really did have this issue in school. I never ever understood what they meant by show your work. I did the work in my head/fingers. How do I show you that?

As I got older, I realized they wanted me to go through the process on paper, but as I'm a finger counter, that wasn't always doable. IT took many years before I found a way to "show the work" while still counting on fingers.

Finally, the pile of dishes and messy kitchen from two weeks of flu and two weeks of a pinched nerve is DONE. I'm so happy given the pinched nerve had not gone away (but has gotten better), and if I can just keep up with the kitchen, it shouldn't result in weeks of working while I can to clean it.

"Witness the blood moon's rise. When its red glow shines upon the land the aimless spirits of slain monsters return to flesh. Just as they did in a war long past. The world is threatened once again."

"Listen, roomie, laundry isn't gonna do itself."

So I ended up trying to make Seattle style Teriyaki, but didn't have any rice wine vinegar. I substituted apple cider vinegar, and then I was short on soysauce (only having a half cup, when I needed a cup). It was 2AM, everything was closed, so I just went with it.

I ended up making some sort of apple flavored stir-fry and I can't actually tell if I like it or not. It's not bad. But I can't tell if it's good or not....

I kinda want to make three nice meals, but I don't think my neck will allow me to. Might go with one nice meal, one nice bread and two easy to make meals, but, honestly, I want three nice meals. :)

I found a complete list of recipes you can make in Tears of the Kingdom, and now I want some of this stuff. :D

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.