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i love getting recruitment emails for jobs i've already tried to get and failed somewhere in the process.

"Company (X) may want to hire you!" mister email, i can assure you that they have stated otherwise in no uncertain terms.

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36 years ago today was the Max Headroom TV STL hijacking.

I regard this incident as the best and purest hacking prank in modern history. The combination of sophisticated, meticulous technical planning and execution, utterly juvenile content, essential harmlessness, lack of financial motive, and never getting caught or identified (or later taking credit) remains, in my opinion, unmatched to this day.

Pure art.

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(rude humor, possibly triggering) 

so i'm late to the 100gecs bus--full disclosure, they're part of a musical movement that, logically, should instantly kill people my age and wither our bones into mummy dust, so i guess being aware of them at all means i must be accruing Zoomer points in the Algorhythm (trade 'em in at ZoomCo for hoverboards and a Tiktok Haircut!)--but i misheard one of their lyrics and i think my version's better.

in "Stupid Horse," Laura Les sings "stupid horse / i just fell out the Porsche / lost the money in my bank account" but i heard the middle part as "i just got an aborsh" which, and correct me if i'm wrong here, is both a fantastic way of abbreviating "abortion" and also cheekily on-brand for gecs. "can't go bowling tuesday, i gotta aborsh."

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so apparently google have added a little bit of JS to youtube that adds a delay for loading, but only if your useragent is Firefox.

you can fix it by adding this line to your uBlock Origin filters., resolve(1), *, 0.001)

current enjobulation status:

* in holding pattern for swanky job for which i have been interviewed four times (fucking FOUR!!!111!) decision-makers are on holiday until next week, feels like close to a sure thing but having to drag out the wait like this is excruciating

* possibly ghosted by super-cool IT job in academia; i may not have been 100% qualified but i know i aced the interview and i was kinda hoping this one would come through because i think it'd be more fun than the first job

* on deck for panel interview (#3 for fuck's sake) for Job I Don't Really Want because it's tech support, BUT there's a clear escalation path to eventually working in Cybersecurity there, so i might have to bite my tongue and play the long game

* flamed out of interview for other academic IT job since it would primarily be for Macs and i have a primarily Wintel background. i hate hearing "i don't want to waste your time" a few minutes in to one of these things because there's no way to pull out of the skid and you might as well close the laptop and go back to bed at that point

* recruiter contacted me for possible admin position with Evil Baby-Killing Military Death Merchants but it would only be 6 months and i'd get a Secret Clearance level out of it, which is the keys to the fuckin' kingdom where security jobs are concerned. my conscience is making its case known. i just don't fucking know anymore

sick of the grind. feeling socially withdrawn and tired all the time. no good news to bring to the table for thanksgiving. tired of constant gnawing anxiety even when i'm feeling okay.

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So it's like this: AndroidTV (and the new "GoogleTV" which is just android TV for android 12) is a privacy nightmare, much like a roku device but actually even worse.

But, unlike a Roku device, Android can usually be cut open and modified.

These Walmart Onn 4k Google TV set top boxes are especially easy to work on as far as AndroidTV/GoogleTV goes.

Press a couple of buttons, issue a few ADB commands, bob's your uncle.

You can rip all the google-y bits out, you can remove all the things that violate your privacy, you can customize the launcher, install your own applications, configure the device to play your media.

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[thought process]

"well, i can't do that. that would be a lie."

"everything is a lie. the human world is encrusted by a miles-thick crystalline lattice of artifice and false emotion. you can not dig yourself out, nor can you reduce its volume by living with honesty; you are part of the lie in the same way that a single blade of grass is part of the forest."

" you're saying i *do* deserve another peanut butter cup."

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@tinstargames AltText: Mo Weeks @mo87mo87
I think about billionaires a lot (kinda my job?) so let me say this:
Most every billionaire on the planet would happily kill you for an extra few points on their investment. This isn't theoretical, it literally happens. They literally make decisions they know will kill people.

@cairobraga @_L1vY_

attempting bell peppers and beef. standby.

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I am sick of being silenced for my perfectly valid beliefs¹

¹ The Jetsons and The Flintstones take place simultaneously in the same cinematic universe due to a nuclear war tearing society into two different technologically based dichotomies

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Today, November 10, there is a circulatory system walking through the kitchen (Watchmen, 1986)

#Comics #Watchmen

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thank fuck it's not Gozer again.

robot status [UNHAPPY MKNAM] 

i have...i'm gonna say, dozens of obsessions. i live in a cloud of delirious mania that may be laser-focused in about seven different directions at any given time. i have never once chosen a single lane or mainlined one hobby to the point of "getting gud" or monetizing projects or specializing in the intricacies of a thing at an expert level because there is *too much* and none of it ever stops, and being like this can be bloody exhausting.

you'd think that at least i'm never bored, but i frequently am, because depression and anxiety make *doing the thing* complicated and tiresome and sometimes painful.

i am finally, slowly getting back into Elite: Dangerous because my new PC setup is finally complete, i can use my HOTAS controls once more, and it's taken me multiple sessions to relearn the basics of the game and tweak keybindings and watch tutorials about stuff i used to have memorized and shit what's that trigger do [phoot] oh right, it launches a heatsink, just like the last seven times i forgot what that trigger does. but i'm getting back into the groove with it to where i can lose myself a little bit in exploration and zone out in that kind of "Dark Star" headspace, which is what i love about it. some people drive trucks for a living and come home and play European Truck Simulator. same deal.

but none of my obsessions right now are deep or interesting enough to dim the anxiety of being out of work, or to numb my mind against the grinding tedium and crushing disappointment of the job hunt. it is everpresent and all-pervasive. it's in the air and water. it's making me medicate myself to sleep.

i found myself wishing tonight that i could just dive head-first into a fandom of my choice and ride that mania to a plateau of lysergic bliss. find an RP community like the old days and find a mask to staple over my face and just stay like that, in a state of creative play, for days at a time. retreat inward and be someone else, somewhere else, far far away.

"let's have some music in here, Boiler." "sure thing."

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Jewish Voices for Peace have occupied the Statue of Liberty, singing “cease fire now” as helicopters circle

There is nothing Jewish about apartheid or genocide

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"Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance, will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this. Try."

Karis Nemik, Star Wars: Andor.

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People of the US: election day is tomorrow. Voting is harm reduction and small, local elections are the ones where your vote has the highest impact. Go do the thing.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.