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Decided not to cook this weekend as I had lots of leftovers from last week (I made 5 days of food, for a four day week, and then the weekend food I bought didn't get eaten), so I'm pushing that off to this upcoming weekend.

I do worry that some of the ingredients I had to get will go bad, but we'll see how that looks on Friday afternoon.

Probably gonna make a personal batch of cinnamon rolls, too, for freezing. :)

When someone renounces a dishonorable position, do not shame or mock them for having been wrong. Learn from their journey toward honor so their experience can be shared and missteps avoided by others. Celebrate new allies, and let their lessons bring you more in the future.

Hrm - MLK Day is a Three Day Weekend. Should I head to Canada for the weekend?

I once launched a paper airplane off the Speakeasy patio, 7 stories up. It flew FOREVER. This was the design I used:

Looking for people who know something about early computing, especially in the Netherlands. Please boost and help me solve the mystery of this custom made plate that used to belong to my grandfather Bram Jan Loopstra, one of the pioneers of Dutch computing. What do the pictures mean? #computing #history (EDIT: Wow, thanks for the overwhelming response! You may have to check the post on my instance to see all the MANY helpful reactions.)


absolutely not going to lay my huge knockers down on an open hinged robot like this, you're just asking to lose a nip


So, I'm pulling some time-based stuff off of old archives now that I'm thinking about it, and I'm glad I didn't need anything from 2020. That archive is missing a TON of stuff.

Mastodon now has 9 million users, if each of them donated just one dollar to my Patreon I'd have 9 million dollars and also a very complicated tax situation probably

::cracks knuckles:: I just got asked to write a fan script for something I'm a fan of. My New Year's resolution of "stop trying to sell your stuff, no one is buying it, and just do what you want and publish for free" is off to a good start!

Turns out I really need to work on the website a little more than I thought. I did finish all the Star Trek stuff (Minus Redskirts) and Closetspace stuff. But the A Wish for Wings stuff hasn't even been started. And there's at least one large graphic I still need to make. So maybe tomorrow. Or the day after. But I'm working on it!

@dolari it's at desperate times like these when a great nation calls upon its mightiest defenders, eh

If you like the current layout of Dolari.Net, get your screenshots now. I'm fairly certain it's going to be completely updated by tomorrow morning in the new style.

And it's gonna be a whole new site - some stuff wil be gone, others will be reset.

@dolari We may have to tap into our strategic maple syrup reserves to quell the inevitable gravy riots up here!

@dolari Quick, everyone! It is our civic duty to go to our kitchens and begin making gravies! This shortage must not last.


I just changed the background to the Star Trek pages. Too aggressive?

2022 Full Back Up is ALL DONE. I'm still surprised at how quickly it runs now, and a little suspicious, but it all seems to be there. +100 for fast computers and USB3 transfer speeds.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.