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So, all that food I cooked for this week? I'm gonna be eating GOOD.

This Week's Meals (3/3): Pacific Salmon Chowder.

I love me a good chowder. I love me a good salmon. There's no way this can be terrible.

# Pacific Salmon Chowder

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking
6.0 servings

1.0 tbsp butter
4.0 whole potatoes (peeled) (diced)
1.0 cup green onions (sliced)
0.25 tsp dill seed
6.0 cups milk
1.0 pound salmon

1 - Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat.
2 - Add potatoes, green onions and dill seed and saute for 2 to 3 minutes.
3 - Add milk and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.
4 - Add fresh salmon and simmer for 10 minutes more.
5 - Season with salt and pepper.

The Pacific Northwest gave me an appetite for both wasabi and raw salmon. I've snacked on two cubes of these already....

Today I learned that in 1958, Groucho Marx climbed the rubble pile that was all that was left of the bunker where Hitler comitted suicide, and danced the Charleston on it for two minutes.

I love you, Groucho.

The fact NASA developed an espresso cup for microgravity is impressive but not nearly as impressive as Astronaut Samantha Cristoforett’s outfit here which looks like she came straight from the bridge of the Starship Voyager. #StarTrek

This Week's MEals (2/3): Pueblo Beef Stew with Green Chilies and Garbanzos

HOLY COW THIS IS SPICY. It's got at least ten green chilies in it and a jalapeno and OMFG it is hot hot HOT. But it IS tasty!

# Pueblo Beef Stew with Green Chilies and Garbanzos

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking
8.0 servings

2.0 pounds top round beef
0.5 cup flour
2.0 cups onion (chopped)
4.0 slices bacon (chopped)
2.0 cloves garlic (minced)
4.0 tablespoons vegetable oil
2.0 cups beef broth
2.0 cups green chilies (chopped) (peeled) (seeded)
2.0 whole jalapenos (minced)
1.0 teaspoon cumin
0.5 teaspoon Mexican oregano
16.0 ounces garbanzos (canned)
2.0 whole tomatoes (peeled) (seeded) (chopped)

1 - Pat beef dry with a clean towel.
2 - Flour meat lightly and reserve.
3 - In a large, ovenproof saucepan or Dutch oven, cook onion, bacon, and garlic over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove to a separate dish and reserve.
4 - Add oil to the saucepan and brown meat on all sides.
5 - Return bacon, onion, and garlic to the pan and stir in tomatoes, broth, chilies, jalapenos, cumin, oregano, and salt and pepper to taste.
6 - Simmer, covered, over low heat for 1 1/2 hours.
7 - Add garbanzos and continue to simmer for an additional hour, or until meat and vegetables are tender.


Mississippi's house passed a ban on gender affirming care for trans youth.

A new bill would raise the age to 21, define as child abuse, and ban CONSENTING to it.

It would be "felony gender disfigurement" with 5 year terms.

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#trans #transgender #transrights #lgbt #lgbtqia #lgbtq #legislation

SCOTUS, trans rights 

Yeah so I'm gonna be super honest with you. I do not trust this court and I feel more than a little nauseous reading this. #TransgenderRights #Transgender #Trans #SCOTUS #TransRightsAreHumanRights

With the previous post said, I'm really glad I didn't end up buying the truck I was planning to pick up or the house here in Duvall I was eyeing. The layoff after buying either of those would have destroyed my finances.

Was out on a quick small drive in the Snoqualmie Valley, and suddenly came into this tiny itty bitty dead end neighborhood Ghibli Movie looking community. I mean, it's four houses literally facing each other between a one-lane road, up on a hill, looking over Preston.

I fell in love with it in just a few minutes. To the point that I came back for pictures. From the outside, it looks pretty tiny, but according to the sellers website, it's got three bedrooms a dining area and living room in a 1450 sq foot area, which isn't much bigger than the apartment I have. It's tiny, and the interiors look to also be very small and cozy. Just my thing (Although three bedrooms is a bit much).

It's still in the valley, it's right off the freeway, it's in an isolated part of a town that makes Duvall look like Houston. It's a lovely house in a lovely place.

But even before I left the lot, I knew I could never afford it, even with the land sale money, and I've just been laid off, and I need to look at surviving the next few months, much less consider talking about buying a house. And then they want $600k for it, and well, yeah. I can't afford a house out here, which is why I rent.

But it is a very cute house, in a very cute place, and in a perfect world, is where I'd live out my days.

But, c'est la vie....

Sunday Night: ::freezes Bannock::

Monday Afternoon:
Jenn: I wonder how long I should microwave this for. I usually microwave bread for just ten seconds. I'll put it in for thirty.
Jenn: Okay, how about another thirty.
Jenn: Another minute?
Bannock: I am now warm and toasty and ready for butter and/or jam.

Ok I have to explain something that should be obvious to people who aren't American: Whatever country you're from, *they don't want me as a citizen or a permanent resident*.

Ok look yes I can leave. However, in order to go to [another country] and have the privilege to stay for a long time/permanently, you must become a citizen or permanent resident. How do you do that? For most countries it's a short list:

--have a lot of money (typically $100,000 or more) to directly invest
--be able bodied/minded
--have skills in STEM
--in some countries being married to a resident or the offspring of one
--have proficiency in the language of the country (this one is usually required)

Many countries want more than one of the above to be true. How many people do you know that fall under these? The answer is probably that the majority of people you know don't fall under these requirements.

So please, stop asking people why they don't leave. This is not even including the fact that most people have familial connections or other things they can't just drop (mortgages, leases).

The want to sleep in until I'm just done sleeping, versus the want to roadtrip while there's sun truly is a battle for me.

Thoughts Before Bed

I remember when I got my first tech job in 1997. A little place called Swan Technologies in State College, PA. I felt so proud and so accomplished. My interview was tough, but I got the job by proving I had the knowledge they wanted even without the college degree. I was treated well, paid well, and the world was my oyster.

How the times have changed, she said trying to look for jobs in new fields....

This Week's Bread: Bannock

I don't know if it was the instructions, or my stove, but it took 30 minutes to cook the bannock on the first side, and eventually I pushed the heat up just to get it to finally cook.

Also, forgot to let it cool, so the center, while not raw, is a little too chewy for my liking. I gotta remember to let bread cool!

# Bannock Bread

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking
4.0 servings

2.0 cups flour
4.0 tsp baking powder
1.0 tsp salt
0.5 cup shortening
0.5 cup water

1 - Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
2 - Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal.
3 - Gradually mix in water to form a thick dough.
4 - Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 15 minutes, or until it is very smooth.
5 - Grease bottom and sides of a 10 inch cast-iron skillet.
6 - Press dough into the pan and cook, uncovered, on top of the stove over low heat for about 10 minutes on each side. Watch carefully so bread does not burn before center is cooked through.
7 - Place loaf on a rack to cool.

This Week's Meals: (1/3): Chippewa Wild Rice and Eggs.

I used 15 eggs in this recipe and cooked in three batches with my largest skillet. It's a really good omlette. And really thick. :D

# Chippewa Wild Rice and Eggs

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking
2.0 servings

1.0 cup water
0.25 tsp salt
0.3333333333333333 cups wild rice
4.0 slices bacon (cut into thin strips)
4.0 whole green onions (thinly sliced)
6.0 whole eggs
0.125 tsp ground pepper

1 - In a saucepan, birng water and a pinch of salt to a boil.
2 - Stir in wild rice.
3 - Cover and reduce heat to low.
4 - Simmer for 50 to 60 minutes, untiil all water is absorbed.
5 - Fluff with fork and reserve.
6 - In an 8-inch nonstick or well-seasoned skillet over medium heat, sauté bacon until crisp.
7 - Drain off all but about 2 tablespoons of drippings from skillet.
8 - Add green onions and wild rice and sauté briefly.
9 - In a mixing bowl, lightly beat eggs with salt and pepper.
10 - Add eggs to skillet and stir with a fork to scramble lightly.
11 - Stop stirring and allow eggs to brown lightly on the bottom.
12 - Place a large dinner plate face down on top of skillet. Carefully flip skillet and turn omelet out on plate.
13 - Slide omelet back into pan and cook for a few seconds.
14 - Cut into wedges and serve hot or at room temperature.

Dear cook book writers.

Please please PLEASE do not separate your cooking instructions. I nearly forgot to make the rice because you separated those instructions from the rest of the instructions.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.